Cross border transactions and 2022 M&A update. University of Trento Law School workshop.
Cross border transactions and 2022 M&A...

Mr. Luca Melchionna is one of the coordinators and among the panelists at the October 2022 workshop on cross-border transactions and 2022 M&A updates. The workshop has been held on October 20, 2022, along with Professor Paolo Carta and Professor Filippo Sartori. Among the panelists: Avv. Cecilia Cagnoni Luoni, Carnelutti Law Firm, Milano; Avv. Leonardo Spina, Carnelutti Law Firm, Milano; Avv. Marco Bertini, Lexjus Sinacta, Bologna; Avv. Claudia Romeo, Lexjus Sinacta, Bologna; Lorenzo Borgogni, Esq., Akerman LLP, New York. Mr. Melchionna discussed crypto M&A and other related digital assets.

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